What better way to keep track of kids on a field trip than to give them cool lanyards? As the school year winds down, school kids – from kindergarteners to high school students – will be going on field trips. One of the biggest challenges with a field trip is keeping track of the kids.
School field trips have been around for decades. Their purpose is to get students out of the classroom environment, while also providing an opportunity to learn and to have fun. They have a respected place in scientific circles as well. Many scholars have made important contributions to science through the use of field trips.
There are many benefits to field trips – from experiencing new ideas and activities, to providing hands-on experiences, to letting kids learn by doing.
But while all that is good, the logistics around organizing a field trip are very complex. Schools and teachers must set up the outing, arrange for transportation, develop the agenda for the day and send out and chase down permission slips. And that's all before the trip starts.
A typical school trip includes school administrators and teachers as well as parents as chaperones. There must be extra adults present to help shepherd the kids around, and to make sure everyone is where they need to be when they need to be there.
Years ago it was the norm that the parents would know all the other students in their child's class, making it easy to identify and keep track of the kids on the trip. Today – through no fault of anyone's – few parents know all their child's classmates.
So, a great way to do a quick identification check of your students on a school trip is to give each of them a custom lanyard with the name and date of the trip and the school name. And of course, it should be in the school's colors.
What better way to make the task of keeping track of kids on a field trip easier than to identify them all because they are wearing cool lanyards?